Positive mindset is contagious, it's an amazing plague...

Did you know that the best way to get something positive is to be positive?

If you present something in a positive way, people will react positively.
If you ask questions or feedbacks in a positive way, you'll get positive or at least constructive answers.
If you answer positively to questions, you'll have positive outcomes.
People you answer to will feel positive too.
If you do positive stuff, you'll get positive results.
If you're positive with other people you'll feel better.
They'll feel better too.

Yes, it looks naive.
When you're French educated in the cult of pessimism, it's dramatically stupid.
Try it.
Test by yourself how greatly it works.
Try it again.
Benchmark it if you're a real geek and if you still doubt.
Check if it's still naive.

I've seen a colleague presenting something very positive to a pretty tough audience something like a year ago.
I was sure we would receive critics, indifference.
The audience received it very positively.
I was shocked. How did it happened?
He asked for feedbacks, questions, critics. He received positive feedbacks and thank you.
I didn't believed it.
Audience was this band of tough guy I know well. But this time they has just been victims of the contagion of a positive mindset.
That's nothing. That's just an anecdote. It was a life lessons for me.

I'm not always positive.
But now I know that not being positive, I "protect" myself from the positive mindset contagious plague temporarily, which is not a big deal... it's just a missed opportunity.